Do you make donations to KARM? Be sure you ask for your credits to be noted as St. John XXIII, and we will receive gift cards to give out the needy! Thank you so much for your support. In the past 6 months we have received several hundred dollars in gift cards to give to the needy of our community thanks to your generosity!
Through the TN Community CARES grant from the State of Tennessee, CCETN is able to provide assistance in EAST Tennessee to those who have been financially affected by COVID 19. The assistance will be in the form of a direct payment to your mortgage company, landlord or utility company. We can help with folks that also have basic needs and food needs. To qualify for the program, you must be able to attest to the following: You are having difficulty paying, or are behind on, your payment due to economic issues caused by the financial downturn during the COVID-19 crisis and you must be able to show you live in TN. Financial support for COVID related issues is available from dates of March 1, 2020 thru November 10, 2020. Application deadline for support is November 10, 2020. Contact or call Catholic Charities at 865-963-4730. Monday-Friday 9AM to 3PM (Spanish language support is available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9AM to 3 PM.)
The Pregnancy Help Center is an amazing resource for our community and we are pleased to be able to help! Please be sure to pick up a baby bottle this weekend in the lobby. You can also donate online at and specify Pregnancy Help Center in the description box. Or you can mail a check to us made out to “Pregnancy Help Center” and we will place it in a baby bottle for you!
Parishioners of St. John XXIII have started a group of women for the support of women. It will be a group for women of all ages and walks of life. The focus of the group will be to discuss topics relevant to women and to develop friendships. The next gathering will be Saturday, November 7th at 9 am in the Paulist Room where we can appropriately social distance. Masks are required for this event. Please RSVP to Jane Ketteringham at 865-850-6934. Please feel free to text or call.